Services Cybersecurity

Ask a Cyber SME

The cyber threat to small and medium businesses (SMBs) is more financially damaging than the combined threat of fire, flood, and transport strikes.

While the vast majority of reported cybersecurity breaches over the past 18 months have concerned large and well-known companies across the globe, it is small and medium size businesses that are increasingly in the criminal’s cross-hairs.

by the Ponemon Institute, three in five SMBs have experienced a cyber attack in the last 12 months and one in three believe they are not capable of fending off an attack.

Cyber Security Solutions

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Start Protecting Your Business Against Cyber Attack

Technology is an enabler, giving business the ability to operate faster and more efficiently than ever before. Doing business in this fast paced and complex environment places additional pressure on business and technology leaders to not only learn how to navigate this new landscape but also how to protect themselves in this ever-changing environment. Today’s cyber security landscape is more complex than ever before but, that should’t not stop you from getting stated. Regardless of the size of your business or your technical ability there are some basic steps you can take improve your cyber defenses.

Our Services

Cybersecurity Our services

Implementing a well-defined and robust security program that is tailored to the specific needs of your business helps to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability and privacy of your data and that of your customers. Our advisory services is focused on working with business and technology leaders to develop and implement security programs. Our consultants will develop a comprehensive program and implementation roadmap based on accepted industry best practices and the specific needs of your business.

Information Security Program

Our standard approach includes:

  • Collecting and analyzing information to understand the goals and objectives of the business, understanding the acceptable risk appetite and tolerance levels of the business.
  • Reviewing existing security programs, plans, policies, procedures and controls to determine whether or not security goals and objectives are aligned with those of the business and industry.
  • Performing a high-level security assessment to identify the current security posture of the business, high-risk threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Working closely with the business and technology leaders to define a security capability maturity level target that is based on the existing capabilities and needs of the business.
  • Identifying gaps between the current state capabilities and what is required to achieve the target maturity level.
  • Identifying the people, policies, procedures, processes, controls and technologies required to achieve the target maturity level.
  • Developing a phased implementation plan and roadmap.

A critical element in any Information Security Program is how well the organization manages risks. Managing risk involves the identification, assessment, treatment, monitoring and tracking of risk. Since it’s impossible to manage what you don’t know exists, it’s critical to begin any attempt to manage risk by performing a risk assessment to identify, estimate and prioritize the risks to organization’s information assets. To ensure a comprehensive assessment is performed, it’s important to include people, processes and technology in the assessment. Our consultants will develop conduct a Risk Assessment that is tailored to the specific needs of your business and industry.

Risk Assessment Services

Our standard approach includes:

  • Compiling a list of the information assets of the organization.
  • Preforming a business impact analysis to understand the true value of each asset.
  • Creating risk scenarios to identify threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Combining qualitative and quantitative approaches to estimate the likelihood and potential impact of the risk.
  • Providing recommendations of how to treat the risk (Avoid, Transfer, Mitigate, Accept).
  • Delivery of a Risk Register that documents each risk, likelihood, impact, prioritization of each risk.

Employees are a major part of an organization’s attack surface and remain the greatest vulnerability to cybersecurity, frequently targeted by attackers. Ensuring that employees have the knowledge and skills to defend themselves and the organization against threats is an essential part of any security program and a requirement for those organizations that need to comply with government and industry regulations, such as FISMA, PCI, HIPAA or Sarbanes-Oxley. A good security awareness program will educate employees on corporate policies, procedures, standards, guidelines and industry best practices for working with information technology. A critical (yet often overlooked) component of security awareness training is what to do in the event of a data breach. The minutes and hours following the discovery of a data breach are critical to not only preventing the attack from spreading but also to preserving the environment for forensic examination. Our consultants will develop a comprehensive security awareness training program and provide training that is designed specifically for your business.

Security Awareness Training

Our standard approach includes:

  • Designing a program that is compliant with the laws and regulations that apply to your business.
  • Covering all the basics including physical security, password security, anti-phishing, social engineering.
  • Providing training that is role based and includes all roles within the organization
  • Diversifying the training content and delivery methods that include instructor lead sessions, self-paced training, simulations, games.
  • Making the training intriguing and entertaining.

An Information security audit is a structured, systematic and measurable technical assessment of how the organization’s security policy is employed. It is part of the on-going process of defining and maintaining effective security policies. Security audits provide a fair and measurable way to examine how secure an organization is, by performing a security audit your organization can identify and remediate risk before they are compromised. Let our consultants perform a full security audit to uncover weaknesses and security gaps that exist within your organization and uncover the cause of noncompliance to establish an effective security program.

Information Security Audit

Our standard approach includes:

  • Assessing security policies, procedures and controls to determine their operating effectiveness
  • Conducting Penetration testing
  • Auditing firewall configurations, website code and mobile applications
  • Identifying internal control and regulatory deficiencies that could put the organization at risk.
  • The delivery of a detail audit report

One of the most common and simplest ways a cybercriminal can gain access to your systems and applications is by exploiting known software vulnerabilities on your workstations. There are roughly 30-40 new software vulnerabilities published each day!

While most organizations know their endpoint devices are at risk, many fail to implement adequate security measures due to a lack of time, resources or budget constraints.

Our Endpoint Management Service allows you to outsource all the heavy lifting involved with managing these devices while retaining visibility and transparency across your enterprise.

Endpoint Management

Our Services Include:

Cybersecurity Vulnerability Management
Vulnerability Management
  • Get continuous risk assessment without impacting system or network resources
  • Gain insight into the security posture and align the enterprise with the security policies of the organization
  • Automatically remediate risks
Patch Management
  • Identify and roll out patches automatically
  • Keep all major operating systems (Windows, Linux and Mac OS X) as well as third-party applications up-to-date
  • Detect and fix configuration deviations, such as password polices and encryption strength
Compliance Management
  • Achieve compliance to regulatory standards
    • PCI, HIPAA, NIST 800-171, NIST 800-53
    • Custom configuration standards
  • Fix compliance deviations automatically to ensure that your organization is continuously compliant
Asset Management
  • Track software and hardware assets
  • Track new installations and changes to configuration settings
  • Manage and optimize software licenses and costs
  • Blacklist rogue applications that show up in the inventory
Endpoint Management
  • Get visibility into the status of endpoint systems, with 100s of built-in checks
  • Gather network details and map of devices
  • Search for the presence of sensitive data, such as credit card information, soial security numbers, etc.
  • Deploy software, block applications and devices
Threat Detection & Response
  • Detect Indicators of Attack(IoA) and Indicators of Compromise(IoC)
  • Run queries to check for abnormal behavior or unusual network activity that is symptomatic of an attack
  • Stop on-going attacks by blocking applications, killing processes, cleaning up startup folders

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Cybersecurity for Small Business

Discover the Benefits of Managed SOC Services for SMBs
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cybersecurity policies Endpoint Security Management

SMBs, learn how you can begin to build your plan
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Our services

Cybersecurity assessment services

Assess & Plan

Educate and Prepare

Educate & Prepare

Monitor & Measure

Monitor & Measure

Implementing a well-defined and robust security program that is tailored to the specific needs of your business helps to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability and privacy of your data and that of your customers. Our advisory services is focused on working with business and technology leaders to develop and implement security programs. Our consultants will develop a comprehensive program and implementation roadmap based on accepted industry best practices and the specific needs of your business.

Our standard approach includes:

  • Collecting and analyzing information to understand the goals and objectives of the business, understanding the acceptable risk appetite and tolerance levels of the business.
  • Reviewing existing security programs, plans, policies, procedures and controls to determine whether or not security goals and objectives are aligned with those of the business and industry.
  • Performing a high-level security assessment to identify the current security posture of the business, high-risk threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Working closely with the business and technology leaders to define a security capability maturity level target that is based on the existing capabilities and needs of the business.
  • Identifying gaps between the current state capabilities and what is required to achieve the target maturity level.
  • Identifying the people, policies, procedures, processes, controls and technologies required to achieve the target maturity level.
  • Developing a phased implementation plan and roadmap.
Information Security Program

A critical element in any Information Security Program is how well the organization manages risks. Managing risk involves the identification, assessment, treatment, monitoring and tracking of risk. Since it’s impossible to manage what you don’t know exists, it’s critical to begin any attempt to manage risk by performing a risk assessment to identify, estimate and prioritize the risks to organization’s information assets. To ensure a comprehensive assessment is performed, it’s important to include people, processes and technology in the assessment. Our consultants will develop conduct a Risk Assessment that is tailored to the specific needs of your business an